We strongly encourage you to test Concerto using our FREE Concerto hosting before you attempt to install it on your own machine

To get your FREE account go to: http://www.psychometrics.cam.ac.uk/page/386/options.htm

Installation of Concerto v3.x


Open Source Elements

step by step installation process

Step 1

Check if you meet all the requirements above

Step 2

Download source package of Concerto

Step 3

Extract source somewhere in your server web documents directory

Step 4

Edit /SETTINGS.php and enter all your server settings ( MySQL host, MySQL port, MySQL database name, MySQL user login, MySQL user password, full URL of your Concerto installation, Rscript executable path ( Windows users must also enter MySQL home directory path ), and timezone

Step 5

Save /SETTINGS.php file

Step 6

Run /setup - if this is the first time you run the application it will create the whole database structure

Step 7

Follow the instruction on /setup page, if no problems are encountered you can click on the link at the bottom of the page to start using your Concerto installation, if you encounter some problems use the recommendation on screen to fix them.