'tables' tab

general description

On this tab you can create data tables that will be used by your tests. Data tables can be used for anything starting from user banks, item banks or recording responses. To create a table, you need to declare it's structure (columns of the table) before you can fill it with data.

main form

You can set following table properties on tables tab main form:

At the top of the main form header there is an icon to change table description. This description will be later visible when hovering over question mark icon next to the selected table in the 'tables' tab list view.

table structure definition

Here you can set the columns you want your table to have. Every table needs to have at least one column called id of some kind of numeric type with auto increment attribute set. This column is automatically created for you.

Every column is described by following properties:

In simple view mode you can choose between two column types:

In advanced view you can declare any MySQL data type except spatials.

table indexes

Only visible in advanced view.

Here is the list of all declared indexes for the table. They are exact representation of MySQL table indexes.

table data

This is the place where you can see all the records which are in the table. You can edit the records which are already in the table or delete them. You can also add new records from here. It's also possible to click on the icon at column header to sort the table by specific column or to filter the data using a set of conditions.

additional actions

'Tables' tab have three more actions available that can be performed on any table in the system: