LESSON 1: simple survey

general description

We will create a simple survey using this tutorial. The survey will contain:

What we will learn in this tutorial lesson:

STEP 1: create intro template

STEP 2: creating survey template

STEP 3: create outro template

STEP 4: create response data table

STEP 4: Putting it all together - creating a test

Line #1: we show intro template (in our example intro template has id: 3, you should change it to the id of your intro template) and we store user response data in response1 variable.

Line #2: we show survey template (in our example survey template has id: 4, you should change it to the id of your survey template) and we store user response data in response2 variable.

Line #6: we show outro template (in our example outro template has id: 5, you should change it to the id of your outro template) and we store user response data in response3 variable. Since on the outro template we have inserted {{username}} text we can now insert any variable value there. To do that we need to specify params variable and choose the value for username param on outro template. In the example above we are using username text field value from the intro template to fill the {{username}} param on outro template.